You Are One Step Away From


Strategies and techniques of the rich and famous..

Step by step guide to D.I.Y credit repair.

You Are One Step Away From


Strategies and techniques of the rich and famous. Step by step guide to D.I.Y credit repair. 

Your credit is like a game, just like life; 

you just got to learn how to play it.

Your Credit Is Like A Game, Just Like Life; You Just Got To Learn How To Play It.

Building strong credit starts with understanding what credit is, how it is reported, and what you can do to improve it.

We will give you the exact process, tools, and strategies to increase your credit score without struggling for months and wasting time on ineffective tactics.

Attaining excellent credit opens so many doors for you, especially if you want to secure your present along with your future finances. Understanding this, Financial Building Solutions LLC was created to help you fix and improve your credit. With effective education and proven strategies, our goal is to help you become financially free for you and your family.

A huge reason you want to purchase this book is because you will not have to pay me monthly to fix your credit!! You can literally do EVERYTHING I was going to do by implementing every step in our DIY Credit Repair Guide.

If you are not willing to invest a little money into repairing your credit, then quite frankly you are not ready to change your mindset and life.

Today Is The Day For You To Join That Bunch And Live A Wealthy Life. What You'll Learn:

 Introduction to Credit 
How Credit Works
How to properly structure your credit report
How to dispute negative items on your credit report
14-day deletion method
24-72 hr Inquiry removal method

Financial Building Solutions was founded in 2020 to help individuals restore their personal credit and help businesses build their business credit. We want everyone to reach their financial goals. 

After we struggled with getting our personal and business credit right and gaining access to capital, we knew there needed to be a system in place to help others. We take pride in educating you on financial literacy. 

We take out all the guesswork and you get all the credit. We believe everyone should have a chance at generational wealth and financial freedom. After all your hard work, we believe you should be able to reap the rewards and start living your dream life!! 

We look forward to helping you attain your financial goals!! 

Success Stories

What You'll Learn In My E-Book

  • Introduction to credit and how it works
  • How to dispute negative items
  • Secret method to a 14-day credit sweep that eliminates collections
  • ​Inquiry Removal Method That The Credit Bureaus Don’t Want You Know About
  • ​How To Properly Structure Your Credit For Big Purchase Loans
  • How To Get A 750+ Score In 90 Days Or Less

Regular Price: $99.97


NOT Only Do You Need This Book, But EVERYONE Around You Does Too!!

NOT Only Do You Need This Book,

But EVERYONE Around You Does Too!!

From your family to your friends, coworkers, neighbors, church family, and your networking groups ALL need this book as well!! 


From your family to your friends, coworkers, neighbors, church family, and your networking groups ALL need this book as well!! 


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